Steve's Tidbits

Short stories about my life experiences.

Archive for the tag “Society for Creative Anachronism”

The SCA Takes care of Their Own

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an outstanding organization.  Its members revel in reliving the times of pre-17th century Europe.  A well-organized and disciplined learning environment for children and adults; where respect and honor are as integral part of its members as breathing air.


I had the pleasure of being an on-duty park ranger during one of their large, several day encampments at Estrella Park in Maricopa County, Arizona; the group’s attendance exceeding 4000.  A challenging task, as the main park area was made up of a huge open area in the center, surrounded on three sides by picnic tables.  During large group activities, much of the picnicking area was still open to the general public, and was full to overflowing this particular weekend.  Typical for picnickers was lots of food, lots of alcohol, and lots of loud music.


During this event, several complaints had been made by the folks running the SCA event about people in the picnic area playing excessively loud music, interfering with some of the group’s activities.  The bulk of the noise was coming from one particular picnic site.  However, driving passed the site several times produced nothing that was actionable.


Often, party groups would put out lookouts; their job was to let the group know when a ranger was coming by on patrol.  There was a road that went around the entire area, too large for foot patrol, accordingly, almost all patrolling was by vehicle.  The group would turn down the music and hide all the alcohol bottles when a ranger was sighted; once out of danger, the party was back on.  The usual patrol pattern was to make rounds every 30 minutes or so, making it easy for folks to avoid contact with a park official.  This cat-and-mouse game went on for a couple hours… it was time for plan “B”!


I contacted the SCA group’s manager, and asked him to gather six large, impressively armed, gnarly looking men to hang out near the problem picnic site, and come over when they saw me approach the group.   I made one round in the patrol vehicle, parked it, and walked back from the open field side.  The music was very loud, and the bottles were everywhere.   The SCA’s “enforcement” team arrived right on time; a very ominous looking group of very large men dressed in chain mail, armor, and packing a variety of period armament… large swords, maces, axes…


I had them stay behind me, as I walked up to the problem people, explaining to them that I was going to have to leave the park for a while, so I wouldn’t be there to protect them.  Then I left.  I went on another patrol 30 minutes later… the group was gone.

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